We understand that business crises are complex, but with our multi-faceted expertise in the field of business crisis, we can support, guide and inform you in crisis management, starting from an in-depth analysis of your specific financial and asset situation and an understanding of the causes of the crisis, up to the identification and planning of the most appropriate tools to face it, together.


We understand that business crises are complex, but with our multi-faceted expertise in the field of business crisis, we can support, guide and inform you in crisis management, starting from an in-depth analysis of your specific financial and asset situation and an understanding of the causes of the crisis, up to the identification and planning of the most appropriate tools to face it, together.

You’re not alone. Wherever possible, we’ll give your business the best shot at business continuity, recovering profitability and turnaround, through the preparation of certified recovery plans, debt restructuring agreements and preventive agreements with business continuity. Through our integrative approach, we can provide you with comprehensive assistance in all areas: from technical assistance in procedures to the construction of the plan, from advice on corporate transactions or negotiations under the plan to the treatment of tax debts, from assistance in employment relations to access to ordinary or extraordinary financial instruments. Some of our professionals at LCA are qualified to act as Judicial Commissioners and carry out assignments of national importance appointed by many of the Italian Courts. Others are authorised under Article 67, third paragraph, letter d) of the Italian Bankruptcy Law to issue certificates in the cases provided for by law.

As a team, we even specialise in advising investors interested in supporting companies in crisis. We do this by acquiring their assets or taking over part of them. To provide this calibre of advice, we usually need to identify the most suitable technical and legal instrument for each individual case (acquisition of receivables, extraordinary transactions, participation in competitive sales procedures, bankruptcy agreements) or through the provision of pre-deductible financing in bankruptcy proceedings.

What’s more, we’ll support consumer debtors, or debtors who may not go into bankruptcy, in procedures for the settlement of over-indebtedness. In this same area, our specialist legal team also guarantees support ranging from technical representation in the procedure to the construction of the plan and the treatment of tax debts. It brings great satisfaction to be able to say that a number of our professionals meet the requirements to act as managers of crisis resolution procedures for over-indebtedness and liquidation of debtors’ assets on behalf of the OCC (Organismo di Composizione della Crisi da sovraindebitamento – Body for Settlement of Over-indebtedness) at the Milan Bar Association.



Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency

Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency

Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency

Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency

Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency

Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency

Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency

Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency

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