Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence represents a great opportunity for the entire productive world. LCA has long invested resources and expertise to create a highly specialised team on all regulatory effects, assisting the company not only to be compliant with the legal system but also to evaluate the AI systems that best serve the company's interests.

LCA ensures that the AI systems deployed by companies are compliant with the regulations in force today, starting with data protection, intellectual and industrial property law, and is already prepared to assist companies in the implementation of the forthcoming European Artificial Intelligence Regulation (AI Act).

Among other services, our expertise is particularly focused on the following activities:

  • AI Impact Assessments. Impact Assessments of high-risk systems to support companies developing or deploying AI systems;
  • AI Officer. Availability of professionals to continuously assist companies in the governance of AI systems in compliance with the AI Act;
  • AI Due Diligence. Carrying out assessment activities in the context of extraordinary operations, as well as in the context of investment transactions or contracts with high strategic value involving companies that develop or distribute AI systems;
  • AI Compliance. Verification that AI systems adhere to legal regulations and ethical standards, reducing the risks of non-compliance;
  • IP Governance. Protection and enhancement of intellectual and industrial property. Drafting and negotiating contracts with rights owners and AI system providers;
  • AI Data Governance. Protection and enhancement of corporate data assets also in the light of the digital services regulatory framework (including DSA, DMA, Data Governance Act, Data Act);
  • AI Litigation. Support in disputes related to the use of AI systems;
  • Policy Advocacy. Supporting AI policy development and legislative updates to adapt legislation to sudden technological advances;
  • Cross-Industry Insight. Leveraging AI expertise in different sectors, from healthcare to finance, from media to banking and insurance;
  • AI Diplomacy: contributing to legal thought leadership on artificial intelligence through publications and speaking at public events.
