Practice, Industry
Banking, Finance & Regulatory: Ranked for Banking & FinanceTax Law: Ranked for Corporate Tax
Capital markets: Ranked for Equity Capital Markets
Environmental: Ranked for Environmental law
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for M&A: Large, Mid-, and Small Cap Transactions and for Private Equity
Administrative Law: Ranked for Public law
Real Estate: Ranked for Real Estate
Bankruptcy Litigation: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Management of insolvency proceedings: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Ranked for Shipping
Family: Ranked for Wealth Management
Wealth Management: Ranked for Wealth Management
Private Clients: Ranked for Wealth Management
Umberto Piattelli:Recommended for Banking & Finance
Giancarlo Ranucci:Recommended for Banking & Finance
Davide Valli:Recommended for Banking & Finance
Simona Passarelli:Highly recommended for Corporate Tax
Roberto Pellizzari:Excellent for Wealth management; Highly recommended for Corporate Tax
Andrea Marani:Highly recommended for Equity Capital Markets and Real Estate
Dario Covucci:Highly recommended for Environmental law
Benedetta Mussini:Highly recommended for Environmental law
Leah Dunlop:Highly recommended for M&A: Large Cap Transactions
Luca Minoli:Highly recommended for M&A: Large Cap Transactions
Daniele Bonvicini: Leaders League 2025 Andrea Carreri: Leaders League 2025 Vittorio Turinetti di Priero: Leaders League 2025 Benedetto Lonato:Highly recommended for Equity Capital Markets and for Private Equity
Andrea Messuti:Highly recommended for Equity Capital Markets and for Private Equity
Riccardo Massimilla:Highly recommended for Private Equity
Alberto Vaudano:Highly recommended for Private Equity
Roberto de Bonis:Highly recommended for Private Equity
Leonardo De Vecchi:Highly recommended for Public law
Benedetta Mussini:Highly recommended for Public law
Barbara de Muro:Highly recommended for Real Estate
Carmen Leo:Highly recommended for Real Estate
Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula:Highly recommended for Real Estate
Niccolò Abriani:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Diana Burroni:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Michele Petriello:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Angela Petrosillo:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Salvatore Sanzo:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Davide Magnolia:Excellent for Shipping
Maria Grazia Longoni Palmigiano:Excellent for Shipping
Maria Carla Barbarito:Excellent for Wealth Management
Practice, Industry
Commercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Capital markets: Ranked for Capital Markets: Equity
Luciano Castelli:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Antonio Di Pasquale:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Leah Dunlop:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Roberto de Bonis:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Umberto Piattelli:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Marina Rosito:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Riccardo Sismondi:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Commercial, Corporate and M&ACommercial and corporate: Ranked for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Private Equity
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax
Food & Beverage: Ranked for Industry Focus - Food
Technology & Media: Ranked for Industry Focus - TMT
Life Sciences: Ranked for Healthcare and Life Sciences
LCA Studio Legale: Ranked for Genoa Leading Firms
Real Estate: Ranked for Real Estate and ConstructionCapital markets: Ranked for Capital Markets: Equity
Corporate Compliance: Ranked for Compliance
Banking, Finance & Regulatory: Ranked for Banking & Finance: Borrower Side and Bank Regulatory
Administrative Law: Ranked for Administrative and public law
IT & Data Protection: Ranked for Data Privacy & Data Protection
Energy: Ranked for Industry Focus: Energy
Fashion & Luxury: Ranked for Industry Focus: Luxury goods
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Ranked for Shipping
Daniele Bonvicini:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Vittorio Turinetti di Priero:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Antonio Di Pasquale:Key Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A, and Energy
Luca Minoli:Leading Individual for Commercial, Corporate and M&A; Key Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Leah Dunlop:Hall of Fame for Commercial, Corporate and M&A; Next Generation Partner for Energy; Key Lawyer for Private Equity
Daniele Nataloni:Key Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Angela Petrosillo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Diana Burroni:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Michele Petriello:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Riccardo Massimilla:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms and Private Equity
Roberto de Bonis:Recommended Lawyer for Private Equity; Key Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Davide Magnolia:Next Generation Partner for Shipping; Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Salvatore Sanzo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency; Key Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gian Paolo Coppola:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Giuseppe Bologna:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Ranieri Romani:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Matteo Esposito:Key Lawyer for Tax
Thomas Yang:Key Lawyer for Tax
Roberto Pellizzari:Recommended Lawyer for Tax
Edoardo Calcaterra:Recommended Lawyer for Luxury Goods; Key Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Giulio Vecchi:Next Generation Partner for Data Privacy & Data Protection, and TMT; Key Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Niccolò Abriani:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency; Key Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Bosco Claudia:Key Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Simone Legnani:Key Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Anna Porcari:Key Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Next Generation Partner for Intellectual Property; Recommended lawyer for Data Privacy & Data Protection, Luxury Goods, TMT
Andrea Carreri:Recommended Lawyer for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Leonardo De Vecchi:Recommended Lawyer for Administrative and public law; Key Lawyer for Energy
Dario Covucci:Next Generation Partner for Energy; Key Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Leading Individual for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Simona Passarelli:Key Lawyer for Tax and Luxury Goods
Francesco de Rugeriis:Key Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Nicoletta Serao:Key Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Nicola Lucifero:Next Generation Partner for Food
Luciano Castelli:Leading Individual for Dispute Resolution
Umberto Piattelli:Leading Individual for Banking & Finance: Bank Regulatory
Giancarlo Ranucci:Key Lawyer for Banking & Finance: Bank Regulatory
Sofia Caruso:Key Lawyer for Banking & Finance: Bank Regulatory
Marina Rosito:Key Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Riccardo Sismondi:Next Generation Partner for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Giacomo Falsetta:Key Lawyer for Shipping
Carlo Solari:Key Lawyer for Shipping
Paolo Erik Liedholm:Key Lawyer for Compliance
Giovanni Morgese:Rising Star for Compliance
Davide Valli:Recommended Lawyer for Banking & Finance: Borrower Side
Andrea Messuti:Recommended Lawyer for Capital Markets: Equity and Private Equity
Benedetto Lonato:Recommended Lawyer for Capital Markets: Equity and Genoa Leading Firms; Key Lawyer for Private Equity
Andrea Marani:Key Lawyer for Capital Markets: Equity and Real Estate and Construction
Barbara de Muro:Recommended Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula:Recommended Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Filippo Donati:Recommended Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Benedetta Mussini:Recommended Lawyer for Administrative and Public Law; Key Lawyer for Energy and Real Estate
Carmen Leo:Key Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Maria Sardelli:Leading Individual for Compliance
Nicolò Pelanda:Recommended Lawyer for Compliance
Matteo Uslenghi:Recommended Lawyer for Compliance
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A - Mid MarketCommercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&A - Mid Market
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency
Management of insolvency proceedings: Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Life Sciences: Ranked for Life Sciences
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Ranked for Shipping
Capital markets: Ranked for Capital Markets: Equity
Corporate Compliance: Ranked for Compliance
Leah Dunlop:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – High-end Capability
Antonio Di Pasquale:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – High-end Capability
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Umberto Piattelli:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Riccardo Sismondi:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Marina Rosito:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Roberto de Bonis:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Luciano Castelli:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Diana Burroni:Ranked Lawyer for Restructuring/Insolvency
Salvatore Sanzo:Ranked Lawyer for Restructuring/Insolvency
Davide Magnolia:Ranked Lawyer for Shipping
Giacomo Falsetta:Ranked Lawyer for Shipping
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Ranked Lawyer for Life Sciences
Giulio Vecchi:Ranked Lawyer for TMT: Media
Practice, Industry
Commercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Capital markets: Ranked for Capital Markets: Equity
Luciano Castelli:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Antonio Di Pasquale:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Leah Dunlop:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Practice, Industry
Sport: Ranked for Sports lawTechnology & Media: Ranked for Media
Life Sciences: Ranked for Health & pharmaceutical industry
Fashion & Luxury: Ranked for Fashion Law
Marketing, Loyalty and Promotions: Ranked for Advertising law & marketing
Intellectual property: Ranked for Copyright Law and Trademark Litigation
IT & Data Protection: Ranked for IT & Outsourcing, Data Protection and Telecommunications law
Insurance: Ranked for Insicurance Advisory and Litigation
Criminal Law: Ranked for White collar crime
Corporate Compliance: Ranked for Compliance
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Labor & Employment Litigation and Advisory
Antitrust and Competition: Ranked for Competition Litigation
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Commercial Litigation and International Arbitration
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Management of insolvency proceedings: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Bankruptcy Litigation: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Banking, Finance & Regulatory: Ranked for Banking & Finance
Real Estate: Ranked for Real Estate
Capital markets: Ranked for Equity Capital Markets
Wealth Management: Ranked for Wealth Management
Private Clients: Ranked for Wealth Management
Tax Law: Ranked for Corporate Tax
Administrative Law: Ranked for Public Law
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for M&A: Small & Mid-Cap Transactions and for Private Equity
Federico Venturi Ferriolo:Excellent for Sports law
Diana Burroni:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Angela Petrosillo:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Niccolò Abriani:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Michele Petriello:Highly recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Giulio Vecchi:Leading for Advertising law & Marketing; Excellent for Data protection; Highly recommended for Telecommunications law, IT & Outsourcing, Media
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Leading for Advertising law & Marketing; Excellent for Trademark litigation; Highly recommended for Copyright law, Fashion law, IT & Outsourcing
Nicolò Pelanda:Highly recommended for White collar crime
Matteo Uslenghi:Highly recommended for White collar crime
Maria Sardelli:Highly recommended for Compliance
Giuseppe Bologna:Highly recommended for Labor & Employment Litigation; Recommended for Labor & Employment Advisory
Ranieri Romani:Highly recommended for Labor & Employment Litigation; Recommended for Labor & Employment Advisory
Monica Dal Prà:Highly recommended for Competition Litigation
Flora Santaniello:Highly recommended for Competition Litigation
Gabriella Scionti:Highly recommended for Competition Litigation
Adele Sodano:Highly recommended for Competition Litigation
Luciano Castelli:Excellent for Commercial Litigation
Salvatore Sanzo:Excellent for Commercial litigation
Gian Paolo Coppola:Excellent for Commercial Litigation; Highly recommended for International Arbitration
Davide Valli:Recommended for Banking & Finance
Umberto Piattelli:Recommended for Banking & Finance
Giancarlo Ranucci:Recommended for Banking & Finance
Carmen Leo:Highly recommended for Real Estate
Andrea Marani:Highly recommended for Real Estate
Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula:Highly recommended for Real Estate
Barbara de Muro:Highly recommended for Real Estate
Benedetto Lonato:Highly recommended for Private Equity and Recommended for Equity Capital Markets
Roberto Pellizzari:Highly recommended for Corporate Tax and Wealth Management
Leonardo De Vecchi:Highly recommended for Public Law
Benedetta Mussini:Highly recommended for Public Law
Roberto de Bonis:Highly Recommended for Private Equity
Alberto Vaudano:Highly Recommended for Private Equity
Andrea Carreri:Leading for M&A: Small & Mid-Cap Transactions
Vittorio Turinetti di Priero:Leading for M&A: Small & Mid-Cap Transactions
Daniele Bonvicini:Leading for M&A: Small & Mid-Cap Transactions
Practice, Industry
Commercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Luciano Castelli:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Antonio Di Pasquale:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Leah Dunlop:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Commercial, Corporate and M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Private Equity
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax
Food & Beverage: Ranked for Industry Focus - Food
Technology & Media: Ranked for Industry Focus - TMT
Life Sciences: Ranked for Healthcare and Life Sciences
LCA Studio Legale: Ranked for Genoa Leading Firms
Real Estate: Ranked for Real Estate and ConstructionCapital markets: Ranked for Capital Markets: Equity
Corporate Compliance: Ranked for Compliance
Banking, Finance & Regulatory: Ranked for Banking & Finance: Borrower Side
Daniele Bonvicini:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Vittorio Turinetti di Priero:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Edoardo Calcaterra:Recommended Lawyer for TMT; Key Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Leah Dunlop:Leading Individual for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Michele Petriello:Key Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Angela Petrosillo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Diana Burroni:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Riccardo Massimilla:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms; Key Lawyer for Private Equity
Roberto de Bonis:Recommended Lawyer for Private Equity
Davide Magnolia:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Salvatore Sanzo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency and for Dispute Resolution
Gian Paolo Coppola:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Giuseppe Bologna:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Ranieri Romani:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Matteo Esposito:Key Lawyer for Tax
Thomas Yang:Key Lawyer for Tax
Roberto Pellizzari:Recommended Lawyer for Tax
Giulio Vecchi:Next Generation Partner for TMT; Key Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property and TMT
Matteo Di Lernia:Key Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Federica Furlan:Key Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Andrea Carreri:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A – Healthcare and Life Sciences
Dario Covucci:Key Lawyer for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Leonardo De Vecchi:Key Lawyer for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Alberto Mocchi:Key Lawyer for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Leading Individual for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Nicola Lucifero:Next Generation Partner for Food
Luciano Castelli:Leading Individual for Dispute Resolution
Umberto Piattelli:Leading Individual for Banking & Finance: Bank Regulatory
Marina Rosito:Key Lawyer for Banking & Finance: Borrower Side
Davide Valli:Recommended Lawyer for Banking & Finance: Borrower Side
Andrea Messuti:Recommended Lawyer for Capital Markets: Equity and TMT; Key Lawyer for Private Equity
Benedetto Lonato:Recommended Lawyer for Capital Markets: Equity and Genoa Leading Firms; Key Lawyer for Private Equity
Barbara de Muro:Recommended Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula:Recommended Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Carmen Leo:Key Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Benedetta Mussini:Key Lawyer for Real Estate and Construction
Nicolò Pelanda:Recommended Lawyer for Compliance
Maria Sardelli:Recommended Lawyer for Compliance
Matteo Uslenghi:Recommended Lawyer for Compliance
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A - Mid MarketCommercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&A - Mid Market
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Life Sciences: Ranked for Life Sciences
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Ranked for Shipping
Leah Dunlop:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – High-end Capability
Antonio Di Pasquale:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – High-end Capability
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Umberto Piattelli:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Riccardo Sismondi:Up and Coming Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Luciano Castelli:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Diana Burroni:Up and Coming Lawyer for Restructuring/Insolvency
Salvatore Sanzo:Ranked Lawyer for Restructuring/Insolvency
Davide Magnolia:Up and Coming Lawyer for Shipping
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Ranked Lawyer for Life Sciences
Giulio Vecchi:Up and Coming Lawyer for TMT: Media
Practice, Industry
Marketing, Loyalty and Promotions: Ranked for Advertising law & marketingIntellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual property - Copyright law and Trademark litigation
IT & Data Protection: Ranked for Innovation, technology & telecoms - Data protection and IT & Outsourcing
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Labor Litigation and Advisory
Private Clients: Ranked for Wealth Management
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax Law: Corporate Tax
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for M&A: Small & Mid-Cap Transactions and for Private Equity
Insurance: Ranked for Insurance Advisory
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring & Insolvency
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Commercial Litigation and International Arbitration
Edoardo Raffiotta:Excellent for Innovation, technology & telecoms – Data protection
Giulio Vecchi:Leading for Advertising law & marketing, Highly recommended for IT & Outsourcing
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Leading for Advertising law & marketing, Excellent for Data protection, Highly recommended for Intellectual property – Copyright law and Trademark litigation, and for IT & Outsourcing
Andrea Messuti:Recommended for Private Equity
Gian Paolo Coppola:Highly Recommended for Commercial Litigation and Valuable for International Arbitration
Luciano Castelli:Highly Recommended for Commercial Litigation
Michele Petriello:Recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Diana Burroni:Recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Salvatore Sanzo:Recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Angela Petrosillo:Recommended for Restructuring & Insolvency
Andrea Carreri:Leading for M&A: Small & Mid-Cap Transactions
Maria Sardelli:Highly Recommended for Compliance
Roberto Pellizzari:Highly Recommended for Wealth Management and Recommended for Tax Law: Corporate Tax
Ranieri Romani:Recommended for Labor Advisory
Giuseppe Bologna:Recommended for Labor Advisory
Giuseppe Bologna:Highly Recommended for Labor Litigation
Ranieri Romani:Highly Recommended for Labor Litigation
Practice, Industry
Commercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Ranked for International & Cross-Border Capabilities
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Leah Dunlop:Foreign Expert for the UK
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Commercial, Corporate and M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Private Equity
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax
Food & Beverage: Ranked for Industry Focus - Food
Technology & Media: Ranked for Industry Focus - TMT
Life Sciences: Top Tier Firm for Healthcare and Life Sciences
LCA Studio Legale: Ranked for Genoa Leading Firms
Life Sciences: Ranked for Healthcare & Life Sciences - Firms to watchIT & Data Protection: Ranked for Data Privacy & Data Protection - Firms to watch
Corporate Compliance: Ranked for Compliance - Firms to watch
Banking, Finance & Regulatory: Ranked for Banking & Finance - Firms to watch
Sara Moro:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Daniele Bonvicini:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Andrea Carreri:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Vittorio Turinetti di Priero:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A and Private Equity
Angela Petrosillo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Diana Burroni:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Michele Petriello:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Roberto de Bonis:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A and Private Equity
Giacomo Falsetta:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Andrea Cuneo:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Davide Magnolia:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Gian Paolo Coppola:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Giuseppe Bologna:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Ranieri Romani:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Roberto Pellizzari:Recommended for Tax
Andrea Messuti:Recommended Lawyer for TMT and Private Equity
Edoardo Calcaterra:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A and TMT
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property and TMT
Francesco de Rugeriis:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property and TMT
Salvatore Sanzo:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution, Restructuring & Insolvency
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Leading Individual for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Nicola Lucifero:Next Generation Partner for Industry focus – Food
Luciano Castelli:Leading Individual for Dispute Resolution
Benedetto Lonato:Recommended Lawyer for Private Equity and Genoa Leading Firms
Riccardo Massimilla:Recommended Lawyer for Private Equity and Genoa Leading Firms
Federica Furlan:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Flavia Visco:Recommended Lawyer for TMT
Leah Dunlop:Leading Individual for Corporate M&A
Practice, Industry
Practice, Industry
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A - Mid MarketCommercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&A - Mid Market
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring/Insolvency
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Ranked for Shipping
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Riccardo Sismondi:Up and Coming Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Luciano Castelli:Up and Coming Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Salvatore Sanzo:Ranked Lawyer for Restructuring/Insolvency
Davide Magnolia:Up and Coming lawyer for Shipping
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Ranked lawyer for Life Sciences
Leah Dunlop:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Practice, Industry
Commercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Ranked for International & Cross-Border Capabilities
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Practice, Industry
Commercial and corporate: Ranked for Corporate M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Ranked for Shipping
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Ranked Lawyer for Life Sciences
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Commercial, Corporate and M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Private Equity
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax
Food & Beverage: Ranked for Industry Focus - Food
Technology & Media: Ranked for Industry Focus - TMT
Life Sciences: Top Tier Firm for Healthcare and Life Sciences
LCA Studio Legale: Ranked for Genoa Leading Firms
Daniele Bonvicini:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Giovanni Lega:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Vittorio Turinetti di Priero:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Andrea Carreri:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Angela Petrosillo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Diana Burroni:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Roberto de Bonis:Recommended Lawyer for Private Equity
Riccardo Massimilla:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Davide Magnolia:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Benedetto Lonato:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Luciano Castelli:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gian Paolo Coppola:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Giuseppe Bologna:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Ranieri Romani:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Andrea Messuti:Recommended Lawyer for TMT
Edoardo Calcaterra:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A and TMT
Francesco de Rugeriis:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property and TMT
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property and TMT
Salvatore Sanzo:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution, Restructuring & Insolvency
Agostino Migone de Amicis:Leading Individual for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Nicola Lucifero:Next Generation Partner for Industry focus – Food
Practice, Industry
Practice, Industry
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&ALitigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Ranked for Shipping
Technology & Media: Recognized Practioner for TMT – Information technology
Giovanni Lega:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Andrea Messuti:Recognized Pratictioner for TMT – Information Technology
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Commercial, corporate and M&AM&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Private Equity
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Restructuring: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Insolvency Disputes: Ranked for Restructuring and Insolvency
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax
Food & Beverage: Ranked for Industry focus - Food
Technology & Media: Ranked for Industry focus - TMT
LCA Studio Legale: Ranked for Genoa Leading Firms
Giovanni Lega:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Andrea Carreri:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Vittorio Turinetti di Priero:Recommended Lawyer for Private Equity
Vittorio Turinetti di Priero:Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Gian Paolo Coppola:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Giuseppe Bologna:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Ranieri Romani:Recommended Lawyer for Employment
Benedetto Lonato:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Davide Magnolia:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Riccardo Massimilla:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property and for Industry focus – TMT
Roberto de Bonis:Recommended Lawyer for Private Equity
Andrea Messuti:Recommended Lawyer for Industry focus – TMT
Salvatore Sanzo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency and for Dispute Resolution
Diana Burroni:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Angela Petrosillo:Recommended Lawyer for Restructuring and Insolvency
Edoardo Calcaterra:Recommended Lawyer for Industry focus – TMT
Nicola Lucifero:Next Generation Partner for Industry focus – Food
Practice, Industry
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&ALitigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Ranked for International & Cross-Border Capabilities
Giovanni Lega:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Daniele Bonvicini:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Commercial & Corporate M&ALitigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Ranked for Employment
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax
Food & Beverage: Ranked for Industry Focus - Food
LCA Studio Legale: Ranked for Genoa Leading Firms
Gian Paolo Coppola:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Salvatore Sanzo:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Nicola Lucifero:Recommended Lawyer for Industry Focus – Food
Benedetto Lonato:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Riccardo Massimilla:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&ALitigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property
Technology & Media: Recognized Practioner for TMT – Information technology
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Recognized Practioner for Shipping
Giovanni Lega:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property
Gian Paolo Coppola:Ranked Lawyer for Dispute Resolution
Andrea Messuti:Recognized Pratictioner for TMT – Information Technology
Practice, Industry
M&A – Private Equity: Ranked for Corporate M&A in 2016, 2017, 2018Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution in 2016, 2017, 2018
Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property in 2017, 2018
Technology & Media: Recognized Practioner for TMT – Information technology in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Transport, Shipping & Aviation: Recognized Practioner for Shipping in 2017, 2018
Intellectual property: Recognized Practioner for Intellectual Property in 2016
M&A – Private Equity: Recognized Practioner for Private Equity in 2016
Giovanni Lega:Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A in 2017, 2018
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Ranked Lawyer for Intellectual Property in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Andrea Messuti:Recognized Pratictioner for Private Equity and Capital Markets in 2017, 2018
Andrea Messuti:Recognized Lawyer for Private Equity in 2016
Practice, Industry
Litigation, Arbitration and ADR: Ranked for Dispute Resolution in 2018Intellectual property: Ranked for Intellectual Property in 2018, 2017 and 2016
Tax Law: Ranked for Tax in 2018
LCA Studio Legale: Ranked for Genoa Leading Firms in 2018
Labour and Trade Union Relations: Other Recommended Firm for Employment in 2018Banking, Finance & Regulatory: Ranked for Banking & Finance in 2017 and 2016
Gian Paolo Coppola:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution in 2018
Barbara de Muro:Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution in 2018
Gianluca De Cristofaro:Recommended Lawyer for Intellectual Property in 2018
Benedetto Lonato:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms in 2018, 2017 and 2016
Riccardo Massimilla:Recommended Lawyer for Genoa Leading Firms in 2018