Law is Art! | 18.12.2023

«Why Knot?»: our Season’s Greetings message 2023

As our tradition, we wish you happy holidays with a special message in collaboration with RUFA

Marketing & Communication

Since 2013, we have entrusted the creation of our Season’s Greetings message to the talented new generations of students at leading Italian art institutes. This year, we collaborated with RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts on the initiative, taking the form of an actual commission for young creators as part of our Law is Art! project in support of contemporary art.

This edition’s winning project is the video Why Knot? by Bianca Marinotti, a Graphic Design student.

Best wishes from LCA Studio Legale!


Bianca Marinotti, «Why Knot?»

The video conveys the message that, despite the difficulties life places before us, there is always the opportunity to turn all knots – even the most stubborn – into wonderful bows.
The project’s title is a question – «Why Knot?» – which, playing on the similarity of «not» and «knot» in spoken English, is an invitation to transform – metaphorically – each knot into a bow, decorating each present and signalling a gift to be discovered, as highlighted by the video’s final sentence «any knot could be a gift».

Track: Looking at the Stars. Music by


Discover the winning greeting cards of the last years: 2022, 2021, 2020.

Marketing & Communication


Here at LCA, we’re passionate about art. We have considerable know-how and expertise in the art market and are personally involved in the art scene in Milan, and more generally, in Italy. We have a specific team specialised in art law and taxation with a wealth of experience gained from years of providing legal advice to artists and collectors, museums and galleries, institutions, foundations, associations and auction houses, insurers, transporters and other players in and around the art world.

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