Maria Carla has gained over twenty years’ experience engaging in out-of-court consultancy and the provision of legal services in the field of civil law, specializing in particular in family and succession matters.
Since 2002, she has been appointed on many occasions by the Juvenile Court as special curator of abandoned minors, as well as guardian and support manager for adults/the elderly in a state of complete or partial incapacity to act or as special curator for minors by the Ordinary Court in extraordinary administration transactions concerning conflicts of interest with parents.
She has been teaching civil law at the vocational training school Just Legal Services S.r.l. since 2001 by giving theoretical and practical lessons on contracts and obligations in order to obtain the qualification to practice law.
From 1988 to 1992, Maria Carla worked as an assistant fellowship student at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Law School, Institute of Civil Law – under Professor Giovanni Cattaneo.
From 1992 to 1996, she practiced as a notary public at the notary firm Corvaja – Barbarito in Milan.
After practicing law, she started to work with the Atty. Salvatore Sanzo thereby becoming the founding partner of SeAS Sanzo e Associati in 2011.
She has been a member of LCA since 2018.
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