LAW IS ART! | 27.07.2021

LCA Exhibits Sustainable Art with RUFA and Beeopak

Marketing & Communication

Art and sustainability are intertwined in the new exhibition “The Position in which Bees Sleep”, set up in our Milan offices and resulting from the collaboration undertaken by LCA with the Visual Arts Department of RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts and the company Beeopak.

Using wax produced by bees as an expressive medium, the students of the Roman academy worked inside modules of different sizes: the structure of the frames refers to the shape of the beehive, a common working space for bees.
Similarly, the young artists have created a collective project which has however allowed individual expressions of each other to remain independent.

The innovative startup Beeopak provided the scraps of an eco-friendly and reusable food film in organic cotton fabric, soaked in a 100% natural blend based on organic beeswax: a base to be molded, worked and converted by students, who have experienced the difficulties related to the processing of wax, the precious fruit of these fragile insects which are, at the same time, fundamental for our survival.

The exhibition represents the ideal union of art, sustainability and enhancement of young talents – three pillars of LCA’s social responsibility project. Curated by Beatrice Levorato, the students Valeria Caceres, Lorenzo Cappella, Claudia Cermentini, Miriana D’Alessandro, Giulia Di Pasquale, Elisabetta Eufemia, Federica Griesi, Ginevra Ludovici, Alessandro Martina, Ginevra Miccaddei, Giulia Gaia Rossi, Alessia Saliu, Sofia Sotto Corona, Tanek – Francesco Politano and Stefano Tenti worked under the coordination of Professor Emiliano Coletta.

Since 2014, through the Law is Art! project, LCA has promoted – both in its headquarters in via Moscova and at Palazzo Borromeo in Milan – the personal exhibitions of Tatiana Trouvé, Letizia Cariello, Chiara Camoni, Brigitte Niedermair, Botto & Bruno, Michele Guido, Franco Guerzoni, Mattia Bosco, Silvia Camporesi, Silvio Wolf and Rä di Martino. The latest exhibition has instead hosted the independent photo collective Cesura. Furthermore, for years, the Firm has collaborated with miart, the most important international fair in Italy dedicated to contemporary art, supporting the “LCA per Emergent” award dedicated to the best stand of young galleries. Among other initiatives in support of the art circuit, there are ArtVerona, with the 2019 award “LCA Studio Legale per la Fotografia Under35“, and the partnership with several art schools beside RUFA, such as Brera Academy and NABA.

Alongside the passion for contemporary art, the deep knowledge of the market and the recognized legal and tax expertise on the subject, the Firm combines a great sensitivity and a strong dedication to sustainability in its broadest sense. On this side, the Firm has thus been involved for years in various ways and concrete projects, and has set up a Sustainability Committee composed mainly of young professionals, as well as a Focus Group dedicated to ESG issues.

The exhibition, realized in collaboration with AXA XL and Apice, can be visited, until November 18th in compliance with current regulations by reservation only, writing to




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