News | 15.11.2016

Last teaching sessions of LCA professionals

Marketing & Communication

LCA professionals have been recently involved in some important events, below described.
On last November 10, in occasion of the “Salone del Restauro” of Florence, Maria Grazia Longoni Palmigiano took part in the Talk “The profession of the restorer: limitations, risks and protection”, organized by Art Defender, in collaboration with AXA Art.
On November 12, for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of AIGI – the Italian association or corporate lawyers, Giovanni Lega contributed to the Round Table “Companies, Competitiveness and Legality – Does legality worth? The contribution of corporate lawyers”.
Finally, today November 15, Giovanni Lega had a speech at the event “The legal profession of tomorrow, organizational models and social security”, organized by CassaForense at the Palazzo di Giustizia in Milan.

Marketing & Communication

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