Alert | 14.02.2022

Dual Use: risk assessment and M&A transactions

Dual use items are subjected to controls, which may have an impact on both the ordinary business and in the context of M&A transactions

Marketing & Communication

Dual use items are usually products of high technological content, both tangible and intangible, which have a main civilian use – and are sold for that purpose – but may also be used for military purposes.

The dual use regime is mainly set out in Regulation 2021/821 of the European Union Council (“Dual Use Regulation”), recently entered into force, which updated the previous EU framework, also taking into account emerging technologies.

In reason of their nature, dual use items are subjected to a particular control regime, which may have an impact on both the ordinary business of companies and in the context of M&A transactions.

Read the complete Alert to discover more about risks and implications.

Equity Partner
Andrea Carreri

Marketing & Communication

Golden Power (FDI)

LCA opera da anni in tutti gli aspetti concernenti il Commercio Internazionale e la Sicurezza Nazionale attraverso un team multidisciplinare di avvocati appartenenti ai diversi Dipartimenti dello Studio: Corporate M&A, Amministrativo & Regolatorio, IP/IT, Doganale e Business Crime.

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