Marina is specialized in assisting medium and large industrial groups in operations of acquisition and disposal of assets and in transactions aimed at opening their corporate capital to funds or industrial investors, in the negotiation of corporate governance agreements and in the negotiation of joint venture agreements. She has a consolidated experience in the negotiation and structuring of financing transactions, also aimed at acquisition, and in trade finance. She regularly assists Italian and foreign clients operating in various industrial sectors – Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Energy, Life Science, Automotive, Telco, Food and many others – in ordinary and extraordinary business contracts and in internationalization processes.
Marina has been a member of the Law Firm since 2007, she has been Partner since 2013 and Equity Partner since 2018.
Previously, Marina worked in London where she held the position of International Counsel Europe and Asia Pacific for a major American multinational company operating in the Oil & Gas sector.
Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A
Key Lawyer for Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Ranked Lawyer for Corporate M&A – Mid Market