News | 14.05.2020

The European Commission expanded the Temporary Framework to provide recapitalization aids to further support companies in the context of the Covid-19 outbreak

Marketing & Communication

The European Commission decision of 8 May 2020 has extended the scope of the State aid Temporary Framework to allow public interventions to support non-financial companies in financial difficulty due to the emergency from Covid-19 through recapitalization of the same.

In the new Alert Marina Rosito and Francesco Cazzini offer an overview of the criteria that must be met in order to allow Member States to grant companies the aforementioned aid.

Read it here!

Equity Partner
Marina Rosito

Marketing & Communication

Banking, Finance & Regulatory

LCA assiste istituzioni finanziarie, fondi di investimento, sponsor e società nella strutturazione, negoziazione ed esecuzione di un ampio spettro di operazioni di finanziamento, sia domestiche che internazionali, e di finanza strutturata, ivi incluso l’emissione di prestiti obbligazionari e cartolarizzazioni di crediti performing e non performing.

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While LCA can offer and support you in a broad variety of services, we pride ourselves on consultancy for company law, domestic and international corporate contracts, commercial and corporate litigation and all the regulatory aspects typical of the various markets involved.

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