Projects | 03.10.2022

A company friendly advisor: LCA launches Your Legal Counsel

YLC works alongside companies - even those without in-house legal departments - providing them with integrated, flexible, multidisciplinary, and specialized assistance and advice

Marketing & Communication

Given the major changes that are affecting the world of legal services and the variable needs of companies in this area, we believe that the future lies with legal service providers who will be able to take advantage of so-called adaptive innovation.

In this context, Your Legal Counsel sounds like a message LCA sends to its clients. A statement with the aim to renew its commitment to support companies – with or without in-house legal departments – in an integrated, flexible and specialized way, ensuring an efficient and tailor-made legal and compliance assistance. Being already used by LCA with long-standing clients, the service is addressed to all kind of business without limit precisely because of its true nature, starting with a joint analysis with the client of his needs, always coming out with a personalized solution.

LCA does not fail to meet the challenges that arise in the changeable scenario of the legal services market. With YLC, LCA even confirms its preference for a long-term vision investment.

Relying on about 200 professionals and specialized teams in all subjects of business law, LCA has made available to Your Legal Counsel resources with in-house experience, which operate in constant contact and comparison with the firm’s specialized practices.

YLC is high tech friendly and has integrated its service with the AIseek platform, the first application software on the Italian market that allows complex legal research and automatic classification of documents on a large scale, thanks to the application of artificial intelligence algorithms, saving up time drastically.

Equity Partner
Sara Moro
Mid-Level Associate
Lorenza Del Nero

Marketing & Communication