Media | 23.11.2022

LCA’s global mobility team

Your trustful Italian visa partner

Marketing & Communication

LCA Studio Legale’s global mobility and corporate immigration team offers our clients high-standard quality consultation and assistance on corporate and private immigration matters for Italy as well as on Italian citizenship.

Our global mobility and corporate immigration team is part of a full-service law firm that since more than 25 years assists, through a consolidated team of lawyers, paralegals and tax consultants, Italian and international clients in any area of law such as investment and M&A transactions, litigation, IP & data protection, criminal law, tax law, administrative law, banking & finance, and immigration & citizenship law.

As immigration professionals our goal is to analyze and advice private and corporate clients in relation to problems that arise in corporate or private immigration. Working with a multidisciplinary team composed by lawyers, tax consultants and paralegals, we can assist client in any aspect related to global mobility and immigration transactions.

Our immigration team can guide corporates and HRs through the complexity of immigration procedures from start to finish navigating the rigorous Italian bureaucracy. We can advise on both in-bound and out-bound cases, helping HRs and companies to transfer employees from any foreign country to Italy and from Italy to anywhere in the world, working with an extensive network of local partners to be able to provide assistance at an international level.

LCA’s team is well known for its flexibility, client-driven approach and the use of innovative technological tools enabling them to offer clients professional and high-quality services. Our lawyers and paralegals are proficient in many foreign languages (such as English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Mandarin) and this helps offering immigration assistance to any foreign national as well as multinational companies.

LCA’s offices are located in Milan, Genoa, Treviso (inside the H-Farm technology incubator), and we also have an office in the United Arab Emirate, specifically in Dubai, where we have an International Partnership with IAA Law Firm. The firm can count on multiple regional desks, in particular a Chinese desk, French desk, German desk and MENA desk, which are the point of contact for both Italian clients wanting to expand their business in such foreign regions as well as for foreign clients who are interested in investing in the Italian market and want to count on the support of professional legal advisors with experience in a particular region of the world.

Our firm strictly complies with ASLA (Associazione degli Studi Legali Associati) code of best practice, to which more than one hundred of the most prestigious Italian and international law firms also adhere.

Our global mobility and corporate immigration team has assisted through the years a huge number of clients with projects in several fields, from private clients wanted to move permanently to Italy for investment reasons or retirement as well as, in particular, multinational companies wanting to move for temporary assignments to Italy highly qualified employees of foreign companies belonging to the same group or foreign companies willing to provide services to Italian clients that, for the purpose, had to send their employee to work in Italy and Italian companies wanted to hire foreign talents.

We can help HRs and companies from the very beginning of an immigration process, from a preliminary analysis to identify the most suitable immigration solution for the case to its planification in details and execution, accompany in each step both HRs and the personnel in charge of managing internally the process as well as the individual to be transferred or hired in Italy or abroad.

The mission of LCA Studio Legale and of our global mobility and corporate is to provide a flexible, integrated, multidisciplinary and high standard professional assistance to our clients having always in mind their best interest and satisfaction.

Alessia Ajelli is an Italian corporate and immigration attorney who works as a senior associate at LCA Studio Legale, based in Milan, Italy. She has been practicing immigration law for more than 10 years assisting corporate and private clients with immigration and citizenship matters, such as the obtainment of visas and work permits for Italy. On top of the immigration practice, Alessia has experience in M&A transactions, corporate and data protection law.


By Alessia Ajelli, Senior Associate at LCA Studio Legale

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Senior Associate
Alessia Ajelli

Marketing & Communication

Corporate Immigration

Here at LCA, we boast an expert team specialising in immigration and citizenship law, corporate immigration and global mobility and, in general, all legal aspects relating to the management of expatriate personnel.

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