LAW IS ART! | 01.01.1970

Copia di Artworks by Silvio Wolf at LCA Law Firm’s premises (copia)

Marketing & Communication

LCA Law Firm is pleased to announce the opening of Silvio Wolf‘s Exhibition “Metaphors of Light” on Monday, November 26, 2018, at its Milan premises. The artist will exhibit photographic works from his series Icons of light, including vintage ones shown for the first time in Milan at the Claudia Gian Ferrari Gallery in 1993.  As the artist says, “the Icons are materializations of light, spatial bodies in which the perception swings between the two-dimensional surfaces and three-dimensional bodies, between appearance and disappearance. The light is the active subject and the medium that generates the photographic image while destroying the pictorial one. Only the perspectival frame and pictorial surface of the original painting remain visible, while the painted subject disappears, effaced by the reflection of light. The skewed perspectives are physical representations of unconventional points of view, non-orthogonal visions: the artist’s mental positions towards the sensitive appearance”.

This exhibition falls under the cultural initiatives related to LCA’s project “LAW IS ART!”, which has been hosting in the last four years the artworks of ACACIA’s collection and those of several other artists, including Tatiana Trouvé, Letizia Cariello, Chiara Camoni, Botto & Bruno, Franco Guerzoni and Silvia Camporesi. LCA’s Project Room and Hall will now welcome Silvio Wolf’s Icons of lights.

LCA’s commitment towards the promotion of art outside the traditional circuits fits in an innovative identity of the Law Firm, which is no longer just a traditional workplace, but also a place of comparison where art reveals itself, taking shape and stimulating creativity and dialogue between professionals and visiting people.

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