On November 15th, 2023, the European Commission proposed a series of measures included in the “Skills & Talent Mobility” package, which aims to make the EU more attractive to (highly skilled) workers from third countries, as well as to strengthen the possibility of movement within the EU itself in general and for those individuals in particular. The package consists of 3 proposals, outlined below:
- A proposal for a regulation establishing the ‘EU Talent Pool’ to facilitate recruitment from third countries.
This regulation is envisaged to be adhered voluntarily, as it includes the establishment and management of a platform (and the participating countries will also have to manage such platform) designed to be the place where information on highly skilled workers, called ‘Talents’, will be made available in order to connect these workers from third countries with job offers available in the European Union: the implementation of this system will require strong guarantees on recruitment and employment conditions for non-EU ‘Talent’.
The proposed regulation also foresees that the EU Talent Pool will support the implementation of ‘Talent Partnerships (TP)‘, i.e. a programme whose access will be confirmed by the issuance of a ‘TP Pass’, an instrument available to employers that should give extra visibility to non-EU ‘Talents’ and certify their qualifications, achieved through the TP.
- A proposal for a recommendation on the recognition of qualifications of third-country nationals.
With this recommendation, the EU Commission would like the Member States to align on measures, principles and standards to simplify and speed up the procedures for recognising the competences and qualifications of third-country nationals.
The recommendation should therefore apply to:
- the recognition of qualifications for regulated professions;
- the recognition of qualifications for access to universities;
- the procedures for issuing entry visas or residence permits (for study or work) requiring a qualification.
- A proposal for a European Council Recommendation ‘”Europe on the Move” – learning mobility for everyone’.
With this recommendation, the Commission would like Member States to integrate mobility into all education and training pathways for young people and young adults, with a view to making learning mobility an integral part of the education courses of its young citizens.
The aim is for all steps of education to be involved, from school education and vocational education and training, in particular apprenticeships, to higher and adult education and youth exchanges.
The Commission has set some very ambitious targets for 2030 on this point, believing that this recommendation could raise the share of students and individuals who have had, during their upbringing, mobility experience, up to:
- 25% for higher education graduates
- 20% for students with fewer opportunities
- 15% for people in vocational training.
The Commission’s proposals part of the “Skills & Talent Mobility” package are also one of the initiatives taken following analyses of the EU labour market, that showed how the unemployment rate settled at 6% while the rate of job vacancies has increased to almost 3%, indicating that the EU labour force alone is no longer sufficient to meet market demands.
These proposals will now be discussed and negotiated by the European Parliament and the Council. During this process, however, the Commission will support those Member States that already want to implement the recommendation on the recognition of third-country nationals’ qualifications and invites them to report on national initiatives, reforms, good practices and statistics.
LCA’s Immigration team is available for further clarification on the above-mentioned matter and will keep you updated on the latest developments in Italian immigration law.