Insight , News | 07.05.2020

Import of facemasks, medical devices and ppe: administrative and criminal penalties

Marketing & Communication

What are the main consequences – both administrative and criminal − that may occur in case of import from non-EU countries and distribution within the national territory of MD and PPE with counterfeit CE conformity marking or lacking conformity and safety standards?

Figure it out in the new Alert by Dario Covucci, Nicolò Pelanda e Giovanni Morgese.

Read more here.

Marketing & Communication

Criminal Law

Here at LCA, we understand that economic and business activity is increasingly characterised by risks, prohibitions and issues that may lead to criminal liability. With that in mind, we’ve set up our own criminal law department, providing highly specialised assistance in risk prevention and criminal litigation.

Life Sciences

Il team dedicato di LCA combina l’esperienza di professionisti operanti nei vari dipartimenti dello Studio per offrire a società, imprenditori, istituzioni, investitori e fondi domestici e internazionali attivi in ambito Life Science e Healthcare, un’assistenza full service e multipractice, basata sull’esperienza e sulla reale e approfondita conoscenza delle peculiari criticità di questa industry.

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