News | 24.03.2022

Golden Power and new special powers related to 5G technology

The Italian Government has, once again, modified the Golden Power regulations

Marketing & Communication

The Legislative Decree no. 21 of March 21, 2022 has radically innovated the Golden Power regulation in the field of broadband electronic communication based on 5G and cloud technology, specifing that “broadband electronic communication services constitute activities of strategic importance for the national defense and security system”.

As a consequence, a series of obligations have been imposed by the d.l. for all companies (including Italian ones) operating in the sector.

Read the alert by Andrea Carreri, Alberto Vaudano, Marco Losito, Pia de Negri, Micol Saccon, Golden Power Team.

Equity Partner
Andrea Carreri
Mid Level Associate
Marco Losito

Marketing & Communication

Golden Power (FDI)

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