
Of Counsel
The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity Sir Winston Churchill

Valerio is Of Counsel of LCA Studio Legale and a member of the Energy, Environment and Sustainability practice.

Valerio gained significant experience in the Oil&Gas sector during his 25-year career in the ranks of the global leader in the petrochemical industry, up to the role of General Counsel of the Italian affiliates.

During his career as “in-house” Valerio advised on civil and administrative law matters, including real estate and corporate law, and was involved in all areas of internal compliance also taking the role of Secretary of the Board.

Valerio also developed significant experience in national and European antitrust law by advising in regard to antitrust proceedings, fact-finding investigations and merger clearance processes both in front of the Italian Antitrust Authority and the European Commission and coordinated the legal assistance to various M&A initiatives both in Italy and abroad.

Valerio joined the Firm in July 2024.
Previously, he worked for 25 years for several Italian affiliates of Exxon Mobil Corporation, as Senior Counsel, Fuels Marketing Law Coordinator and then General Counsel of Esso Italiana.
Between 1998 and 2000 he was General Counsel of Capgemini Italia.

Environmental Energy