News | 30.06.2017

LCA in the acquisition campaign of H-Farm

Marketing & Communication

LCA Law Firm’s team, coordinated by Andrea Messuti, supported H-Farm S.p.A., technological incubator listed on the AIM, in four important acquisitions in connection to its Education and Industry divisions.

Three centers of excellence in the Education field in Italy have become part of the H-Farm reality. First of all, the agreement for the acquisition of the Little English School in Vicenza – that proposes educational programs based on the integration between the British National Curriculum and the Italian Ministerial programs – has been closed. The innovative educational proposal of H-Farm has been further empowered by the acquisition of the English International School of Rosà (Vicenza), an international school member of the ECIS (European Council of International Schools), that currently counts around 300 students. Finally, the shares holded by BigRock – the first Italian school of computer graphics and visual effect, an ahead-of-trend reality in the 3D animation in Europe that proposes 3 masters in computer graphics, virtual reality and concept art – have increased till 99% from an initial minority quote.

The significant investments on the education side go together with the ones on the business side. The growth strategy of the incubator includes, in fact, the important acquisition of 100% share capital of CELI – Language Technology, born 10 years ago as a research center in computational linguistics in collaboration with the University of Turin and with the Normale University of Pisa and today internationally recognized in the artificial intelligence, machine learning, language analysis, semantic and data analysis technologies fields.

All the transactions have been structured partially in money and partially in shares collected on the market by H-Farm through the Initial Public Offering on its own shares, successfully closed on June 22nd again with the assistance of LCA.

Marketing & Communication