News | 20.03.2020

Criminal penalties for non-compliance with Covid-19 containment measures

Marketing & Communication

With the Prime Ministerial Decree dated 8th and 9th March 2020, some measures that temporarily prohibited a wide range of behaviors entered into force, including the ban of movement within the national territory, which is only one of the most significant and conditioning examples.

In the new Alert, the Criminal Law Team clarifies the criminal consequences of non-compliance with the provisions and of the release of false declarations made with the self-certification.

Read here to find out more!

Equity Partner
Matteo Uslenghi
Managing Associate
Paolo Erik Liedholm

Marketing & Communication

Criminal Law

Here at LCA, we understand that economic and business activity is increasingly characterised by risks, prohibitions and issues that may lead to criminal liability. With that in mind, we’ve set up our own criminal law department, providing highly specialised assistance in risk prevention and criminal litigation.

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