News | 06.06.2017

BACCARELLI PRESIDENT of the Litigation Commission of UNION IP

Marketing & Communication

During the Executive Committee of the UNION IP (UNION of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property), that took place last week in Sicily, Monia Baccarelli – already member and vice delegate for Italy for a few years – has been nominated President of the Litigation Commission.

The UNION IP is a European association of professionals who, at different levels, work in the Intellectual Property field, born with the purpose of studying law developments in Europe in the IP field, supporting the debate among professionals, companies and judges of these topics and carrying out lobbying activities before the EU institutions.

Monia Baccarelli’s nomination as President of the Litigation Commission represents a very important acknowledgement of her great expertise in industrial law and, in particular, in the related international litigation, and of LCA’s leadership in a strategic field such as the Intellectual Property one.

Marketing & Communication