News | 22.12.2020

Brexit: Important News for UK Citizens Residing in Italy

Marketing & Communication

The Brexit transition period provided for by the Withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK is due to expire in less than 10 days and the Italian Government has finally issued the guidelines for the obtainment of residence permits for UK nationals registered as residents in Italy within December 31, 2020. British citizens who have registered their residence (iscrizione anagrafica) with the Municipality (Comune) of the Italian city where they are living and have secured their legal position and immigration status to continue to enjoy the rights they are entitled to as European citizens, even after the expiration of the Brexit transition period, shall now follow the administrative steps described below in order to obtain a residence permit for Italy (and the same applies for their family members who have joined them in Italy or are going to join them even after January 1, 2021):

  • obtain from the Italian Municipality where they are registered as residents a registration certificate stating that they have been registered with the Register of the resident population (Anagrafe) before December 31, 2020;
  • apply for a residence permit in electronic format by
    filing an application to the competent Police station (Questura) of the place where they are registered as residents;
  • undertake the fingerprinting at the Police station and wait for the issuance of the final residence permit.

Discover more in the new Alert by our Corporate Immigration Team.

Senior Associate
Alessia Ajelli

Marketing & Communication

Corporate Immigration

LCA vanta al proprio interno un gruppo di lavoro specializzato nelle problematiche relative al diritto dell’immigrazione e della cittadinanza, alla corporate immigration e global mobility e, in generale, in tutti gli aspetti legali relativi alla gestione di personale expatriate.

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