For years, and before it was mainstream, we have cared for social responsibility and sustainability in their wider meaning. We tried, within the limits of our profession, to raise awareness on these critical topics, fostering and carrying out our best behaviour.
Specifically, our social and environmental goals go beyond the mere legal advice. This means implementing changes to our internal organization and operating according to the needs of our clients and the various players with whom we interact.
In the wake of a widespread awareness within the firm, we promoted a “responsible” and “eco-oriented” approach in the offices (plastic-free policies, reduction of food waste, use of recycled and eco-sustainable materials, monitoring of printouts, etc.). This was in addition to the policies of remote working and space reorganization implemented by LCA. Furthermore, we started many projects to create a “positive” outward impact, mitigating all the “negative” aspects of human endeavour. Last, but not least, we set up an internal committee dedicated to sustainability issues, mainly composed of young professionals, a further committee to analyse internal welfare dynamics, and a focus group dedicated to ESG. We acknowledge that the ESG world is having an increasingly significant impact on our clients.
Despite the support and the advice of specialists in the field, we have encountered, and we are still encountering, many difficulties in this journey. In fact, sustainability is a long path full of uncertainties, way harder than what it may seem at first glance. The only certainty we have is that each one of us must aspire to a project which is also in the community’s interest. We also believe that a virtuous approach, first and foremost in the environmental field, plays a key role in understanding what happens in practice, under a legal, fiscal and operative standpoint, when a business adopts sustainable policies.
Perhaps we are too ambitious, but our ultimate goal is to bring together adhesion to values and high-quality advice for clients and stakeholders who want to take on challenges, trigger new processes, and embrace change. Our clients are more and more our true travelling companions, and we are proud of the daily relationship we have developed with them.
Being a responsible law firm means participating actively in the world around us, both in terms of strategic choices and support of the various players. In times of constant change, investing in the values that represent us is our most important commitment.