News | 09.12.2019

Corporate Investigation: LCA’s expertise

Marketing & Communication

Corporate and regulatory compliance, relations with the Authorities, fraud, bribery and corruption, money laundering, market abuse and insider trading, tax evasion, product liability, labour law issues, legal obligations breaches and unfair competition are a constant pitfall for companies’ reputation and in certain cases for their own survival.

The team is highly specialized in white collar crimes, regulatory enforcement, corporate compliance and investigations, as well as in labour and IT law, and provides legal advice in:

  • the drafting, adoption and the effective implementation of the so called “organization, management and control models”, employees’ codes of conduct and disciplinary codes and all mandatory policies for the monitoring of employees’ activity;
  • the mapping of the technical and commercial know-how used by the company in the course of business identifying and adopting the adequate protection measures;
  • cross-border and multi-jurisdiction cases involving corporate compliance and antibribery matters;
  • the management of the significant legal, labour, commercial and reputational risks associated with regulatory and white collar crime issues.

LCA’s corporate investigation assistance includes in details:

  • documentation data collection and reviews;
  • witness and employees’ interviews;
  • risk assessment;
  • expert insights related to regulatory, compliance and investigation field;
  • compliance strategies and audit procedures, relations with the Authorities;
  • adaptation of international and foreign codes in the context of the Italian legal framework and coordination and alignment with Italian corporate codes;
  • mitigation of the reputational damages caused by white collar litigation and corporate investigations.

Marketing & Communication

Corporate investigation

Compliance regolamentare e corporate, rapporti con le Authority, frode, concussione e corruzione, riciclaggio di denaro, abuso di mercato e insider trading, evasione fiscale, responsabilità da prodotto, questioni giuslavoristiche, violazione degli obblighi contrattuali e concorrenza sleale rappresentano sempre più un rischio per la reputazione di una società e in taluni casi per la sua stessa sopravvivenza.